
The Peak of Cinema is captured by a fantastic movie that absorbs the audience and perfectly frames the director’s vision. Great movies give goosebumps and are fascinating long after the end credits have rolled. Strong images cannot be forgott. Film is more than just mere entertainment. Cinema is beautiful through frames, compositions, music, and themes.

The Gaze

All in all, film is art. It goes beyond the artist’s intent and reflects what the viewer sees — Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am passionate about sharing my gaze with film enthusiasts and discovering new perspectives through dialogue. Lastly, I believe it is impossible to grasp the full vision of any movie. Every different aspect, theory and perspective completes the picture.


The Peak of Cinema is a fantastic movie that absorbs the audience and perfectly captures the director’s vision.

Great movies give goosebumps and keep one fascinated long after the end credits have rolled. Strong images and frames cannot be forgotten.

Film is more than just mere entertainment. Cinema is beautiful through frames, compositions, music, and themes.

The Gaze

Film is art. It goes beyond the artist’s intent but reflects what the viewer sees — Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

My passion is to share my gaze via ideas and themes. I love analyzing movies with other film enthusiasts and discovering new perspectives through dialogue.

I believe it is impossible to grasp the full vision of any movie. Trying to see part of it is what watching movies is all about.

“I launched Thinking Movies to share my passion with the world. The goal is to find all kinds of movie lovers to exchange ideas, trade perspectives and share interesting movies with.”


I love talking about impressive movies. To share different viewpoints and to discover new perspectives. I greatly appreciate knowledge and taste but believe that everyone sees greatness in their way.

So, I encourage you to share your ideas and even little discoveries about the movies I analyze in the articles. Every different aspect completes the full picture of the movie. Even seemingly conventional discoveries are most of the time unique. Seeing movies through different lenses fascinates me.


I created a list of movies I can recommend to everyone and personally rated each one. The list is meant to reflect my taste and to share the most memorable films I have watched.

Similarly, I am grateful for every movie suggestion I get. It doesn’t have to be rated highly on IMDB and can be extremely unconventional. I am interested in every movie that feels special in some way.


I created a catalogue, so you can look through a ranking of all my favorite movies. I added movies I adore and ranked some films that got recommended to me. This ranking is personal: I tried to group similiar films and give a rating that reflects my taste. Movies with the same ranking are ordered alphabetically. What is more, I have watched many of the movies more than once - I believe great movies get better the more often you watch them.

Furthermore, I made a ist of my favorite directors. I included film makers that consistenty create or created breathtaking motion pictures. Hence, I did not include one-trick-ponies or directors that made more bad than good movies. They are not ranked but ordered alphabetically.

I am always open for discussions about movies or directors and love to get new recommendations. Feel free to leave comments at the bottom of the respective page. Moreover, do not hesitate to communicate your liking of one of my recommendations.